Tructure allows, above all, to keep order on the website, but also makes it easier for the user to reach the most important information in a fraction of a second. In the case of websites, there are six headings - from H to H , of which the most important is the highest-ranking heading - H . How to properly structure the content on the website? Start with the H heading - it should contain the name of the product or category or the title of the entry. Mark each subsequent subheading as H . If you divide a given paragraph into subsequent parts, use headings H H etc.
The H headline plays an important role in the SEO Mexico WhatsApp Number List process. It should accurately describe the content of each page on the website. Each page should have one H heading. In some cases, it will be necessary to use two headers - this solution is compliant with the HTML language specification. Tip: If your content management system has this option, use tables of contents for blog entries. Make sure they match the subheadings you use. This will increase the chance of additional links being displayed next to your entry in the search engine. Thanks to this, the user can already from the search engine level go to the part of the entry that interests him the most.
Meta tag optimization Appropriate optimization of meta tags can bring your website closer to appearing high in search results. Why is it so important? Page titles indicate the subject of the page to crawlers. Meta title tags should contain the most important keywords for which we want to position a given subpage. It is important that page titles are concise - just like in the case of content - we focus on specifics! Note: Although meta description tags do not directly affect search engine ranking, it is worth optimizing them.