The Big Picture As we have become Job Function Email List a nation of specialists, armed with new information technology and enterprise-wide operating systems, it has Job Function Email List become easier for managers and employees to become myopically immersed in their own jobs. This immersion can have the effect of obscuring their view of the Job Function Email List big picture. They may not consider the cumulative effect of wasted assets. They may have little regard for the objectives and responsibilities of other team members, departments or divisions. They may lack the Job Function Email List motivation to invest personal energy in critical project work.
Organizations that engage in developing Job Function Email List business acumen provide a clearer vision and an overall context within which employees can work, while creating an environment that is more likely to break down internal barriers. There is less waste and less ambivalence. There Job Function Email List is increased innovation. Employees are more engaged, they understand their role and its impact on business results, and they are more likely to believe that Job Function Email List their efforts really matter. They are more likely to think like a business owner. Think Like an Owner To be successful, business owners must be able to helicopter above day-to-day issues and see the big picture.
They must understand how the pieces of the Job Function Email List business fit together to impact profitability and cash flow, and they must be able to assess the risks and rewards of potential decisions. The best business owners study the numbers, ask themselves tough questions, Job Function Email List analyze their mistakes and take decisive action. To truly understand the business, owners have to understand how that business makes money - in other words, how Job Function Email List it produces sales, profit and cash. Organizationally, they know that it's about people, processes and productivity. On the customer front, it's about satisfaction, loyalty and market share.