I know what I want to say I know what effectwhat specific slides to make but in most cases ninety odd percent I finish this presentation a day or two before but also because technically I have I've got it covered so technical stuff doesn't really take up much of my time but arranging slides is technical polishing it's the day before the conference and in many cases I do it ten fifteen twenty minutes before the presentation but only.
I mean I still sometimes add a slide but it often results from the fact that something appears what in a conference room for example or in a previous speaker's speech which fits perfectly with my key the idea so I love to throw in something that relates to the current situation right Also to let the audience know that this is a fresh thing that this is something that I see whatsapp mobile number list look I'm talking about it and it's happening now take advantage of it. Just like we talked about these campaigns with influencers now it's also great for me that okay we don't have to mention the campaign from a few years ago we're just talking about Lidl which campaign is ongoing which has not ended yet. Then everyone can check and possibly verify whether what we say about it is true or not how it will develop.
I love to throw in some element that relates to the current situation right Also to let the audience know that this is a fresh thing that this is something that I see look I'm talking about it and it's happening now take advantage of it. Just like we talked about these campaigns with influencers now it's also great for me that okay we don't have to mention the campaign from a few years ago we're just talking about Lidl which campaign is ongoing which has not ended yet. Then everyone can check and possibly verify whether what we say about it is true or not how it will develop.