However, it is essential to know how to differentiate them. Discover in this post what operational marketing is, how it differs from strategic marketing and how it can help you achieve your goals . Keep reading! It may interest you: Master of Marketing and Sales INDEX OF CONTENTS What is Operational Marketing? Operational marketing is the means to achieve the objectives set by a company in terms of marketing strategy. It is about defining the promotion and communication actions that will be launched. The objectives can be diverse and varied.
Furthermore, they can revolve around sales and turnover, although increasingly around brand awareness. To give us an idea, marketing consists of three basic steps: Market research , aimed at understanding market problems Strategic marketing , which defines an overall direction and long-term goals Operational marketing , which breaks down the objectives into whatsapp list short-term concrete actions On the differences between strategic and operational marketing, the second is more visible, since it operates in shorter time frames . Despite this, it must be taken into account that an operational marketing strategy will depend on the quality of the strategic marketing previously carried out in order for it to work. With operational marketing, action is taken to achieve the objectives set.
Therefore, we could say that it is based on translating the strategic marketing plan into a series of tactical decisions complemented by product policies; price, distribution and communication that serve to guarantee the purchase of the product by the selected target audience. In summary, we could say that it is about defining the characteristics of your product or service and setting the appropriate price . Also to select which will be the intermediaries through which to distribute them and define through what means the company will make known these qualities that distinguish it from the competition.