Home office option means much more than online meetings and VPN. Here you can find out what you should do if you want to increase your digital maturity level. Darius Wieland Darius Wieland February 03 2021 Home office and different levels of digital maturity Especially recently home office work in Swiss companies has increased rapidly due to the Corona Pandemic. This has come to a head at least since the federal government introduced the obligation to work from home in January 2021.
For some working from home is not a new phenomenon for others it means a complete change in the way they work on a daily basis. Based on our experience the level of digital maturity in Swiss Whatsapp Mobile Number List SMEs varies greatly. In some cases work is almost paperless processes are digitized and home office is standard. In many cases all processes are still completely paper-based and home office has not been practiced until now. Especially for SMEs with a low degree of digital maturity working from home is perceived as additional work and impractical.
However digital processes and virtual collaboration do not have to be tedious and difficult they also bring many advantages such as faster and more transparent processes and correspondingly less admin effort. In addition to cultural openness and the willingness to learn new things the right software tools and platforms also play an essential role. Last but not least less IT-savvy companies need a partner who advises and accompanies the customers in a targeted manner so that their needs and goals are in the foreground.