You can define a dollar value for each parameter. For example, we determine that one share is worth $1.50. After entering the data, the calculator shows us the ROI in percentage terms. Source: from classic PR). Source: Newspoint panel In the world of PR, advertising equivalent (AVE) means "a measure of the amount of money that would have to be spent on publishing or broadcasting a given message if it were advertising." However, the advertising equivalent is a rather controversial topic. Why? Experts emphasize that there is no such control over typical PR activities as over advertising activities. In the latter case, quite precise control of both the message and distribution channels is possible. PR is much more lively.
There is no guarantee that the editors will cover the topic in the way the company wishes. The measure of engagement is the number and type of reactions to the post. As research shows, however, likes are not strongly correlated with the click-through rate of a post. Certain types of content evoke reactions ( people identify with the India WhatsApp Number List message), but they do not necessarily click on the link to the article. The opposite situation is the case 4. Sale Finally, the final confirmation of the effectiveness of content marketing activities is the impact on sales. If it is conducted exclusively online, then well-configured analytics will allow to determine how marketing activities affect the purchasing decisions of users. How to combine it all.
What measures to use? There are synthetic measures that enable a comprehensive estimation of the return on investment in content marketing. Although they are certainly not very precise tools, of the campaign to some extent. One of them is the ROI calculator from It allows you to enter expenses for the content campaign and campaign parameters - the amount of traffic generated, the number of shares in social media, the number of publications and the number of links obtained.